Media literacy

      The information I felt most important from the two videos were; media literacy is about accessing it and creating it and audiences are targeted by different advertisers because they know other people have different points of views and opinions.  Another important point mentioned in the videos was that all media messages are organized to gain profit and or power.  These are important points because it gives the audience an insight on what media studies is and what its all about, and it also addresses the fact that different ads attract different audiences.

     One important point associated with the first video was "The goal of most corporations, including those that own media, is to make money above anything else."  This is an important point because it explores society's need and greed for money, most corporations are in competition with others to get their product essentially "out there" and be a big seller to gain profit, an example would be commercials on TV, we see people advertising their products every day to attract potential buyers to gain profit.  I have seen many commercials advertising shampoo products claiming it leaves your hair "beautiful and soft after the first use!"  This is to try and attract people who want nice hair.  Another important point associated with the first video was media literacy is "Not just having the ability to analyze media, but the ability to create it."  This is an important point because it informs viewers that media literacy isn't just about accessing and analyzing media, but it is about creating it as well.

   From the second video one interesting point was, "Media can be beautiful but also very dangerous."  This is quite interesting because it explores the idea that while media can be great at times, it can also be quite dangerous.  One danger of social media is because of media changing more and more everyday, people are becoming more open, which can be quite dangerous, especially for business's.  Many people ranting their opinions on businesses can be dangerous and actually cause business's to shut down because everybody's negative comments makes others believe they are true which really affects a lot of things.  Another danger of media is we see ads everyday on the internet advertising online clothing companies with cheaper and better deals, this actually harms stores because many people would rather shop online to get better deals.  Another important point from the second video is "No media message is objective; there is always a point of view and someone (or group) is left out."  This is important because not all ads appeal to everyone because everyone has different views and opinions.  Many ads I see I usually ignore it because in my opinion ads are dumb and annoying.     


  1. Mackenzie,

    You explore some excellent topics from the two videos. I think this is the second time I have noticed a student mentioning the dangers of social media. Aside from how "word of mouth" can hurt or destroy a business/product, there is also the public shaming that occurs on social media platforms. While there are many positive ways social media can be use, the dangers are very real and frightening. One recent incident even had people threatening the wrong man:


  2. Awesome job, you make great points about the videos. It is amazing how many people notice the effects of how dangerous media is!

  3. Mackenzie,

    I really enjoyed reading your post reflecting on the two videos about media literacy. The two points you chose to cover were interesting, and you related the content of the video to prior knowledge that you had, which helped with making connections to the real world. I like that you talked about the dangers of media affecting businesses, especially when it comes to reviews online, and how it can inevitably shut down a business, which is very true! I also liked that you related your own experiences with seeing ads to what the videos were talking about. Your reflection made the content of the videos make sense in an easy-to-understand way!



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